Thursday 23 February 2012

Mixed emotion

Today (friday 17th Feb) I said goodbye to my English friend Victoria. She headed back to England after working here for over a year. The time at the airport was full of mixed emotions. It was a really strange time. I felt nervous, full of anticipation I guess. I was so excited for her. Excited that in 24 hours she would see her family again. It gave me excitement, as if I was going home too. We had spent a fair bit of our time together. We were travelling buddies. If we went away for a few days, we would go together and shared many adventurous trips together. The time at the airport also reminded me that I was not going home. I would not see my family for over 2 months. Part of me wanted to go with her, to head home. However, the other part of me was pleased to be here, where my life has been for the past 10 months. I didn’t feel ready to leave Ecuador just yet. I wanted to stay a bit longer.

I know the next 2 months will fly by and I want to savour that time, enjoy it and learn more and more.

After eventually getting back to my “home” in Santo, I was welcomed home by my family. I was pleased to be back.

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