Wednesday 1 February 2012

End of year

Marjorie with her diploma
Gitaffe, elephant ant turtle
The school holidays here in the “coastal” region of Ecuador, starts at the end of January. School begins again at the start of April. The Special School finished with a big celebration, mid January. A group from America were here for a week and were able to be part of the celebration. Here, it seems, we have a lot more programs than we do in England.

The children had worked on a drama, and made animal masks, mainly from Foamex of course! This is a material which you can’t buy in England.  The schools LOVE it! Each child received their diploma for passing the year, a book full of their work and a shoebox full of useful things from Operation Christmas child. Dolls, cars, toothbrushes, sweets, soap. The kids loved it and it was real blessing.

rabbit, tiger and crocodile

Kamila and her mum recieving their shoebox

School staff; me, Victoria and Katy with Maria and Ruth, the teachers

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