Sunday 25 December 2011


Recently I have had some interesting conversations about alcohol and dancing. Here is a completely different culture. Therefore people think differently about drinking alcohol and dancing than my culture.
I love getting to know people better and recently have learnt a lot more about people. People have told me stories of their lives; how they have got to where they are now. I have seen how God has been at work in their lives in radical ways. After one particular conversation I kept thinking about grace.

I kept thinking how we as Christians are saved by God's grace. However far we have gone from God, however wrong we have been, however much we have messed up, we can be forgiven. God will forgive us. We can be saved. It is by his grace.

Ephesians 2 v 8-9
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast"

Efesios 2 v 8-9
"Porque por gracia sois salvos por la fe; y esto no de vosotros, pues es don de Dios: No por obras, para que nadie se gloríe"

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